Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

What is DEI?



includes all the ways in which people differ, encompassing the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another. While diversity is often used in reference to race, ethnicity, and gender, the AMA embraces a broader definition of diversity that also includes but is not limited to experience, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, gender identity, language, and physical appearance. We also recognize that individuals affiliate with multiple identities and that the intersectionality of those identities is where our understanding and definition of diversity will be rooted.


is fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people, while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups. Equity is different from equality in that equality implies treating everyone as if their experiences are exactly the same. Being equitable means acknowledging and addressing structural inequalities—historic and current—that advantage some and disadvantage others. Equal treatment results in equity only if everyone starts with equal access to opportunities and without any discriminatory barriers.


is creating a culture in which any individual or group is and feels welcomed, respected, supported, valued, and able to fully participate. An inclusive and welcoming culture embraces differences and offers respect in words and actions for all people, and fosters a diversity of thought, ideas, perspectives, and values.


When we combine these three elements, we can create a welcoming environment that encourages uniqueness and allows members to stay true to themselves. This can help foster growth both individually and for teams within our organization.

DEI Purpose

Committing to DEI is a step we can take in promoting the business environment we want to be a part of both now and in the future. We feel having a DEI mindset is a crucial step the business world should take to tackle the current discrimination that still lingers in the workplace and the fear that many minorities hold about entering the current environment. At the very least, AMA Portland State wants to encourage DEI throughout their chapter and university to always ensure a welcoming environment for everyone.



Mission Statement/Vision

To have AMA Portland State serve as an example of how effective DEI can help elevate an organization. And with this, ensure that every person our chapter encounters feels welcomed and supported. As this becomes established within our chapter, this can grow to be a role that helps support DEI throughout the school/


  • From the AMA National:

    1. We commit to recruiting and retaining People of Color (POC) representation within our board of directors, leadership teams, volunteers, and membership.

    2. We commit to increasing POC representation throughout our products and services, thought leadership, campaigns, programming, and distribution networks.

    3. We commit to building a pipeline of marketers that reflect the demographics of the populations we serve.

    4. We commit to partnering with organizations that value Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

    5. We commit to further educating ourselves as to the plight of racial injustice and will use our platform to facilitate courageous conversations that promote anti-bias and anti-racism within the marketing community.

  • On top of this, at AMA Portland State:

    6. We commit to helping our members grow their personal identity and supporting their journey.

    7. We commit to providing resources to all of our members to help with both their personal and professional success.



School of Business & Portland State University Resources

The following resources can also be found here


Student Support Services

Global Diversity & Inclusion serves and empowers student populations whose success, retention, academic success, and graduation are most challenged by socio-historical factors and contemporary inequities.



The ATMOS program supports diverse and underrepresented undergraduate business students of color and is a promise of academic, career and community support to help create an avenue for a brighter future.


TRIO - Student Support Services

A college retention and graduation program, which helps students develop the academic skills and personal development necessary to successfully pursue and complete a college degree.


Open for Business

Open for Business is a forum for Portland’s LGBTQIA+ business community. Our mission is to serve and support LGBTQIA+ leaders, professionals and community members.


Queer Resource Center

The Queer Resource Center has resources for trans and queer people. Access campus and community-based resources organized by identity and category.

Career Resource Center

The Career Resource Center has unique resources and services to meet the career development and job search needs of their diverse student & alumni populations.


School of Business’s DEI Plan

Read and provide feedback on the School of Business’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Action Plan.

More Resources to Explore

Journal of Public Policy & Marketing (JPP&M)

The Journal of Public Policy & Marketing has articles discussing DEI in the marketing industry. This webpage features a few of them for students who want to learn more about DEI.

Brighter Strategies

Brighter Strategies helps mission-focused organizations improve operations to better meet their goals. This webpage features some articles to help you think about your organization’s culture.


Strtgst.co design monthly gatherings for thinkers to feel, learn and grow.

100 Roses from Concrete

100 Roses from Concrete is a network for people of color in the advertising, marketing media, and public relations industries.